Benefits of a Group Booking for Dinner

Why A Group Booking is the Better Option
It can be a challenge getting the whole gang together for a family gathering of any sort. With the combination of peoples’ schedules, obligations, or way of transportation it can be rather discouraging when trying to plan a time and place. Fortunately, a group booking at Swabbies on the River is enough of a temptation to get the gang stoked on a family & feast night out by the river.
We all know how much better sharing a meal with a group of beloved family and friends is. Unfortunately, Americans rarely eat with one another these days. According to The Atlantic, On average, one in every five Americans eats in their car while one in every four Americans eats fast food at least once a day. Additionally, majority of American families will only eat a meal together less than five days a week. These statistics really prove how little importance we hold to spending valuable time with our loved ones. The dinner table is a unifier, a fundamental staple of togetherness and understanding. A plethora of benefits come when putting time aside to eat and catch up with family. For one, a family meal can act as a center of community. It can make people feel at ease when conversing and sharing with the people around them. Therefore, sharing a meal can encourage great conversation and making friends.
Additionally, reducing the amount of fast foods or foods “on-the-go” is also a step towards establishing a diet that not only includes better food, but a better chance of sharing a meal. When deciding on a meal, maybe instead of planning to binge at a drive-thru for a quick and loaded supper, schedule a group booking in efforts to get your family and friends to finally enjoy a nice, shared dinner together. It can be the perfect way to celebrate something as a family.
Swabbies on the River located in Sacramento, CA is known for its delectable servings of famous food and famous fun! With the amenities that include seating under the shade of 60 ft. tall trees, dining alongside the Sacramento River, outstanding musicians performing live on outdoor stages, and, of course ice cold beer there is absolutely no reason why your next group booking shouldn’t be at Swabbies!
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